
Jan. 26, 2023

I had a nap yesterday afternoon. It’s probably the second nap I had this year. I wanted to have a nap from around 2012, but wasn’t able to. I felt so exhausted adn drained isnide out, and outside in, and I even had anti-depressant pills Cloritine from 2015 to early 2020, but still, i couldn’t fall asleep durign the day. Even at night, when I evntually ahd a nap; it often happened because of compeltely mental exhaustaion for teh whoel night until early morning.

This year, I began to try herbal medicine. I had 银杏叶片,from以岭, and it instantly made me feel mentally peaceful or calm to fall asleep at night. still, it was not helpful for naps durig teh day, even though I was exhasuted and tired. I aslo began to take 三七粉,灵芝破壁粉,this month, I also began to take 柴胡疏肝丸. As of today, I have taken a bottle, 8 per meal, and 3 meals a day, all 200 pills. I also began to make black bean adn rice milk, sometiems adding Goji berry, or dates, or Longyan. I felt much better. But I felt very drained insdie out again after having an intimacy with Ben two weeks ago.

I had goat meat with daikon, and sometimes 山药。As I’ve experimenting iwth herbal medicines, I began to know more about some of them and also know more about some features of my physical health.

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